Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Molasses

I used to have a piano teacher that liked to use the expression: "slow like molasses in January".  Sitting here at the end of January, I am thinking that that is how I felt all month: slow like molasses.  I don't feel like I have done anything but go where I needed to or just ooze around the house on the days I didn't need to be anywhere.  Times like this I'm so glad I take pictures of all the mundane things: cookbooks I have tried recipes from; the fabric I have been playing around with; snowflakes outside. These pictures are proof to me that I did complete some things and I wasn't so slow in January.  I did, after all, finish that blanket.
I also introduced the kids to late night garbage retrieval when I had them help me bring home this chair:

I am hoping to play around with it this summer and give it a makeover.  If it doesn't work out it can go out the curb (again) for the next person to find.

I bought these cute (giant) ceramic buttons on sale at the fabric store and plan on tweaking their looks as well:

They will look nice on the wall of my sewing space.

I made a project from a kit I bought for my birthday last year:

I stitched a snowman:

I finished the one on the left last year as a stitch-a-long with another blogger.  Next year I am hoping to stitch the last snowman in the series.  Then I'll decide if I am going to frame them or finish them another way.

I have obviously had hearts on my mind because I have been hooking and stitching up lots of things with hearts on them.  This doesn't even include the two cross stitch projects I am now working on.

I finished this today.  I wanted something very Valentine-ish: to me that means pinks, flowers and hearts.  I crocheted the flowers and hearts and had tons of fun picking the buttons and beads to finish it off.

I crocheted lots of petite pink hearts for my 'tree'.

These are the same branches I spray painted last spring and have since hung Easter decorations and glittery snowflakes.

I attempted some free motion sewing machine stitching on this Valentine pot holder.  I learned that free motion quilting does not work on my machine very well!

I found a cute little crochet pattern that I just had to make, and make it right now darn it!  An evening flurry of crochet and I had this:

No, it's not a wash cloth; it's a soap cozy!

Mr Crafty World is very excited because he likes scrubbie things to use in the shower.  Now that I have taken pictures he can have it .  I discovered while making it that the yarn is scented.  Kind of neat, but kind of weird too.  How do they get the scent into it?  How much of it does my skin absorb while working with it?  How many washes 'till the scent is gone?

I have also had two job interviews; seen both my babies perform in public and had a retro baking day that made everyone happy.

Now I see for sure that January wasn't slow at all.  It was another month of me doing all the things I love to do.  (Well, with the exception of the job interview part!) It felt slow, but after the rush of December I see that it was a nice break.  Oh my how I love the way the universe works: always with my best interests at the heart of it.

Here's hoping for a 'slow' February :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

This Morning

I know it's been a while.  I have been doing stuff, though I'm not up to anything spectacular at the moment. We all had a bout of illness this week so there has been a lot of sleeping and wearing our pyjamas all day.  Thankfully everyone seems better and is off to their regular routines this morning.
My Favourite Boy got his yellow belt in karate last night.  There were five white belts due to graduate to their yellow belts.  They took four of them and they had to follow the instructor in the moves they have learned thus far to show their new skills.  Lots of parents were watching.  For whatever reason they had My Favourite Boy do his turn by himself with the instructor so all eyes were on him.  He did amazing!  The whole time I was weepy.  He saw too, but that's OK because he has seen me be weepy at things My Favourite Girl has done.  I had a smile on my face for hours afterward;  I am so proud of him.  I heard someone say once that parenthood is the most blissful heart-ache and it's so true.

Now onto this morning, as the post title says.  We started with rain; then icy rain; then light snow; and now heavy snow.  I played with my camera a bit on the macro setting to take some pictures.

Have a blissful day.

Friday, January 6, 2012

First Finish

While the lead-up to Christmas ended up being more stressful than I had planned on, the after part has been wonderful.  The kids are off school until Monday, so it has been a full two weeks of time at home just hanging around. I think My Favourite Boy has logged more days in his pyjamas than not.   I didn't take the decorations down for the longest time, in part because it just felt wrong to do it while the kids were still home; but also because I was really enjoying the extended holiday season.  I have had a few occasions to play around with my sewing machine; I started a few little things and even got a quilt top pieced together that has been sitting in the closet for a few months.  I can't estimate a finishing time on it yet because I have to buy backing fabric for it.
A project that I did get done is the Big Project.  Yes, Amy will get her wedding gift before her first anniversary!  I have worked like gang busters on it the past few days and all of a sudden I had a completed blanket on my hands.  I am really proud of this one, so you will have to look at a lot of pictures!  This is my very first blanket:

Full Frontal Blanketness

Up close with all those open fan shapes

Doesn't it look nice on my couch?

Doesn't it look nice in my basket on the hearth next to the stone surround?  A perfect combination I would say!

It even goes well with the blue couch in the living room :)

This is going to be very hard to let go of, but at least I know it's going somewhere nice. 
 What's a wedding if you don't get a crocheted afghan?  No one can laugh later at the colour combination either - ecru stands the test of time, just like white appliances :)  

I am happy to be finished; most notably because it's 6 months over-due, but also because I want to get to work on something else.  What, I'm not exactly sure, but perhaps something with lots of colour.  I have a stash of yarn in the cupboard just waiting to be used.  The biggest challenge is finding the right fit between stash and idea!

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