Saturday, January 30, 2010
A Heart and a Make-over
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A Normal Day
An improvement from the last photo, no? I moved all that stuff out, including all the framing. Yes, I'm going to tell you that again! So now I get to resume my normal activities until everything is framed and drywalled, etc. I can't believe how happy I was to be able to go grocery shopping today!
The book has a bookplate on the inside, saying it was given as a prize in Sunday school in 1911. I started to read some of it and I think I'm going to like it. The beads are a delicious shade of pink - I can't wait to wear them. Of course I couldn't pass up on the china posies. The container is shaped like a basket in aqua glaze. I think it's a fine addition to my collection:
I spent the rest of my afternoon looking in some cross stitch magazines I also found at the thrift store. Now it's off to pick up My Favorite Boy from school.
A lovely normal day indeed.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Home Improvement
The first order of business was to empty the basement. Now I don't think I have ever posted a picture of my crafting space, so you're in for a treat. Actually I'm joking, you may want to avert your eyes.
As I was loading some pictures onto the computer the other day I found this photo I took last month. I picked this little tea chest up at the thrift store last year, and it holds elastics and barrettes for My Favorite Girl's hair. It's been over a year I have been wanting to give it a make-over, and after Christmas I finally did.
I don't anticipate much craftiness going on in our household over the next few weeks while the basement is being done. I think a lot of my time will be spent running between hardware stores finding lights and paint and all that business. Oh, and convincing myself that taking everything back down to the basement will be a piece of cake.
Monday, January 25, 2010
From the Deep...
Made by My Favorite Girl and sewn "all by herself" on my sewing machine. These creatures, which resemble wood lice, live on the sea floor and are around a foot long. Ighh. I love that she made it truly albino with white button eyes.
My Favorite Boy was captivated by the Vampire Squid - From Hell! as David Attenborough called it. It is creepy, and I'm glad we couldn't completely replicate all it's creepiness. I love how he wanted to put the lighted bits at the bottom of the tentacles, even though I had to sew all those buttons on.
This guy isn't really creepy; in fact he has nothing to do with the movie. I just love the picture, as scenes like this are often set up around the house by My Favorite Boy. It gives me a little peak into his brain and I consider it one of those little rewards of being a Mum. I'm also happy that Orca likes pumpkin muffins too.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Perfectly Pink
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Dreaming in Pink and Red
The day after I made the raggedy wreath I set to work on a cushion cover. Like most of my projects, this started out in my mind as something completely different. In the end I'm happy with it though; pink and red are such a cheery combination.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Are you selfish
I am guilty, guilty, guilty of that. I have fabric in my stash as old as my marriage. That's almost 15 years folks. I have pretty little do-hickeys to put on those handmade cards I'm always saying I'll make which have been sitting patiently in their neat little plastic divider boxes. I have a small collection of silk threads for embroidery, but once I got them I'm convinced no project is "just right" to use them on.
I don't make resolutions at the turn of the year, because once I say I'm going to do something, it invariably never happens. This year, instead of a resolution to use up a large portion of my stash (or rather, stashes) I have a sincere desire to make stuff with it and get it out of here. We talked about this on New Year's Eve with the kids. I told my kids my 'sincere desire' (because remember it's not a resolution!), and My Favorite Boy replied; "But then you will have to buy all new stuff". Oh what a smart boy!
Now when I try to use up some of my prettiest bits of stash, or decide not to go to the fabric store, instead of feeling deprived I'll remind myself that there is a gold pot of stash to be gotten at the bottom of the pile! They will always come out with cute new fabrics and stickers and papers and do-dads, so I don't need to be greedy or clench-y with what I've got now. "Go forth into the world" I say to it.
When I picked out all the fabrics for today's project, I almost put it back, because it went so well together that I couldn't possibly use it for this. However, I remembered my sincere desire and kept on. I even ended up with a project I really like. So there crazy brain, there's no need to hoard!
Anyway, onto today's project. My Favorite Boy and I spent a good hour browsing in the craft store this afternoon. Aside from getting an insane deal on Christmas wrapping paper, I saw some heart shaped wreaths made from fabric strips. "Ah-ha!" I thought to myself. "I have the makings for that in my own stash, clothes hanger and all!"
Mr. Crafty World had to work late tonight, so the kids and I ate hot dogs in our pyjamas while watching Tinkerbell, and during the movie I happily snipped strip after strip of fabric with my pinking shears. Some time after that spent tying knots and here is my new raggedy wreath for Valentine's Day.
*Edited to add:
I just found this tutorila to make rag wreaths if you are so inclined. Go here to see what the talented Flossie Teacakes made.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
As I said we had a nice Christmas. Lots of treats for good girls and boys. We didn't really do anything for a week, and it was so nice. I actually read a book; a whole book in a week. I haven't done that in years. Here's the book:
Mr. Crafty World bought a few things off my Amazon Wish List. Don't you love those things?!
I really enjoyed this one, and have made quite a few recipes from it already. The author has a blog, Orangette (which I haven't visited yet), and this book is a compilation of some of her posts. It's an easy read, but I did cry when she wrote about the death of her father. (Don't worry, that part isn't a spoiler; it's mentioned on the jacket.)
I have been trying to stitch up one of Shepherd's Bush nativity story pieces every year, so that one day I'll have eight lovely pieces to display. I don't think I did any last year, and this year I started this one in November.
I've been doing a lot of puttering around as well; nothing too notable but things that make me feel like I am accomplishing something, even if I am still in my pyjamas at 3p.m. I purged our filing cabinet and came up with a new and I hope improved system for filing all the stuff I have to file in a year. I cleaned up my sewing area, which you can imagine is always a mess right after Christmas. I moved some stuff around in there so it's not really easy for me to pile stuff on my machine and then get frustrated that I can't sew when I want to.
Oh, and I did my Christmas cards! I did them on January 1, so they ended up being more "Happy New Year/Thank-You for the Gifts" cards, but I finally got them sent. Guilt, be gone!
All that organizing always put me in the mood for doing something creative, so I picked up my crochet hook and a pattern and have been having a go at this:
Anyway at least I'm getting practice. I no longer have to look up how to do a double crochet everytime, since I have had to do it over and over and over.
Today I went to one of our local shops and did a bit of shopping. I have had a gift card from this place in my wallet for 9 months now and figured I should use it up. One of the things I bought was this book:
I have not seen it before and it's really cute. There are mini angel food cakes (from scratch) in here that only take 10 minutes to make. You just make them in a mini muffin pan. Can you imagine anything so cute?
Happy New Year folks!